Genius Hour Update

This week, I improved my tea from last week by using less flavors and let it sit for a shorter amount of time. It turned out way better. I also asked my dad for tips on how to make English pancakes. He was my expert for this weeks genius hour because he was born and raised in England. Here is how it went!

I used the same process as I did last week, I strained the spices once I added them to the hot water and let it sit for about 3 minutes and then I decided to add sugar and milk to make it a bit sweeter and cool it down. I noticed that the tea was much lighter than last time which was a good sign because it meant that the tea was less bitter.

English pancakes are closer to crepes than what you are probably used to making. They are much thinner than pancakes. As soon as I made the batter I was pretty skeptical because of its consistency. I tried to pick up the pan once I poured it, in hopes that the batter would spread out but it stayed in a thick irregular shape. Flipping them was also a challenge because of how small I made them. I found that they burned a lot faster as well so next time I will keep that in mind. Disregarding the shape and size, I tried it after I finished and they did not taste good at all. They were really bland and almost raw on the inside even though they were cooked externally. I am going to find a different recipe next time I attempt to make these and possibly add more flavors on top of the pancake to make it sweeter and less bland like syrups or fruity additions.

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